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2023 Webinar, June 27th, AutoDigitizing, What to Trash, What to Tweak

AutoDigitizing, the greatest thing since sliced bread?  Let's look at it and see what we can get from the automatic process and what needs Editing.  When is enough?  What do we keep, and What do we throw out?  Learn some basic shortcuts, and then some basic digitizing...you will need both! This is truly worth your while!

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2023 Webinar, June 27th, Digitizing a Design from a Stitchout

We have all had it happen.  Your customer comes to you with only a "Stitchout"  No clean artwork.  Not only that, this is a bad stitch out!  Where do you start?  How do you read their mind?  What do you do to give him or her what they want and need?  We will start from that Stitchout, clean it up, and Digitize it so that it runs well, and looks good.  Better than the sewn sample, and exactly what your customer wanted in the first place.

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2023 Webinar, May 30th, Balboa Blending

Learn to Blend your Colors...AND then, in our next Class use those Colors to Shade Your Design. These Break-through Secrets are yours to Learn from Balboa. The techniques have changed our Industry, and brought realism to our Designs with lower stitch counts, minimal or no threadbreaks, and finer quality.  Best of all these techniques work with a Blend of Colors, as well as one solid color.  You will have no problems with Push-Pull, Designs can be scaled up or down at will, and you can add detail with no problem! This is truly worth your while!

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2023 Webinar, Color Selection, Color Pathing

Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced, Pathing, is an essential part of any Design that will make the difference in how the Design looks, as well as how it runs.  Learn to connect the objects in your Design with "hidden stitches".  Avoid the pitfalls of constant trims, bird nesting, lost time, thread not picking up, and general frustration! Use your traveling through the design for underlays that not only connect your objects, but tack them down and prevent shifting!   This is truly worth your while!

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2023 Webinar, April 18th, Pathing, Mapping out Your Design

Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced, Pathing, is an essential part of any Design that will make the difference in how the Design looks, as well as how it runs.  Learn to connect the objects in your Design with "hidden stitches".  Avoid the pitfalls of constant trims, bird nesting, lost time, thread not picking up, and general frustration! Use your traveling through the design for underlays that not only connect your objects, but tack them down and prevent shifting!   This is truly worth your while!

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2023 Webinar, April 4th, Small Lettering, Learn to Create Small, Crisp, and Clean Letters

Small Letters, one of our biggest challenges...Get ready for answers that solve your problems!  We start with "Quick Fixes" and proceed to the most important permanent fix. Watch as we take a running stitch to give you tiny letters under .15, then do the same with a column stitch.  Then see a way to beef up that letter, and keep it clean by using a special underlay!  This is truly worth your while!

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Webinar – November 29, 2022 – Christmas CleanUp 2

Everyone has that one design that is used once a year for a great customer.  However, you battle the design in production.  It takes much too long on the machine, has way too many threadbreaks, and because it is only once a year, you don't take time to edit it. We are taking some of our customer's designs and showing you how easy it can be to tweak it to a point that you enjoy it.  It may even be your design that we use.  Take the time to watch and even ask questions...this 90 minutes may help you with your Christmas Rush and give you time with Family and Friends!

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Webinar – November 11 2022 – Christmas CleanUp

Everyone has that one design that is used once a year for a great customer.  However, you battle the design in production.  It takes much too long on the machine, has way too many threadbreaks, and because it is only once a year, you don't take time to edit it. We are taking some of our customer's designs and showing you how easy it can be to tweak it to a point that you enjoy it.  It may even be your design that we use.  Take the time to watch and even ask questions...this 90 minutes may help you with your Christmas Rush and give you time with Family and Friends!

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Webinar – October 25th, Working with Faces: Human and Animal

We have looked at creating Eyes, Noses, Mouths...Now we are going to look at the face or head and see how to build the face.
We will look at what is behind it all and shade the areas, or highlight them to have a natural area to place the eyes, noses and mouths to have them
appear realistic and complete the face.

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