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Q and A , Small Letters and More
Answers on Motifs and advanced process of underlay
Question and Answer Session on Small Letters and Color succession in Realistic Designs
Rating: Intermediate to Advanced Level
Not Software Specific, these are techniques that may be done on any digitizing Software.
Learn while you see your problems solved.
Live Question and Answer Session. We will discuss the questions sent to us each week and
demonstrate the Answers. Answers will be recorded and will be available 24/7 for review!
There is never too much information in small letters. This Q & A Session will give you tips and techniques on making major problems disappear. Learn to work with densities and stitch lengths to get the perfect small letter, explore underlay and pathing that will add to the formula, and look at other factors that are making small letters a challenge.
Our second question was on improving the clarity of a blended design. Changing the color order, running the darker colors first, rather than after the lighter colors, allowed the lighter colors to come forward and the darker color to recede. An eye-opener when you see the difference.
90 minutes of transforming the art in front of you to stitches. At the end of this class you will feel differently about Colors and small letters!
Just $75, Or purchase our Complete Learning Package and have access to this Webinar Recording at no extra Charge
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