We hope you enjoyed the Webinar on Creating Small Crisp Letters that don’t disapear.
Our Homework is stitching out the exercises that incorporate new techniques that you saw demonstrated in our Class. Watch the letters run. See how the running stitch letter is formed and see how nicely it scales down Also, See a similar technique in creating a column stitch where you have a continuous single layer of your manual single layer of your center run underlay. AND see how using a version of your letter gives you a beautiful rounded small letter with extra volume.  letter run to see how the different-sized lettering uses different underlays. If you didn’t do last Classes Homework, you may want to back to Homework #4 and see how we have demonstrated the difference between Your Pull Comp and Your Column width in the Wilcom program. If you do not have this feature in your software, ask for it. You may find it is there under a different name.
These exercises will all be important when we have our next Class, Pathing on April 18th.
You will find that the $15 charge has been removed when you download these designs access these Designs, Enjoy!
The first group of letters you eill stitch out is the words Rare Estate Reserve in two sizes. The first size is the size used in the Cigar label, the second is larger. Next, You will see how the Running stitch works to create the large and small versions of the word Rare. Watch how we cover the areas with a two-layer running stitch. Then the Word “Estate”, in two sizes, using a combination of the running stitch and the column stitch to get a consistent single center run. Then we will stitch out the version of the same word from the stock alphabet and the new version with the consistent center run underlay…The we will look at our hidden underlay, using the large letter G, and finally the curved fill from the patch with the hidden underlay that props up your letters snd gives them volume. Notice here the different application of techniques on the three words. The last word of the three, CONSERVATION with trims at the joints of the letters, the second word with closet join and triming between the letters and finally, the word LIVING with the manual center-run underlay.
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