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Webinar – November 29, 2022 – Christmas CleanUp 2

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Everyone has that one design that is used once a year for a great customer.  However, you battle the design in production.  It takes much too long on the machine, has way too many threadbreaks, and because it is only once a year, you don't take time to edit it. We are taking some of our customer's designs and showing you how easy it can be to tweak it to a point that you enjoy it.  It may even be your design that we use.  Take the time to watch and even ask questions...this 90 minutes may help you with your Christmas Rush and give you time with Family and Friends!


Webinar November 29th, 2022 – Christmas CleanUp Part 2


Let’s Cleanup our Designs for the Christmas Rush.  Learn to take a bad design, with thread breaks and way too may stitches, and turn it into a smooth running design that is a pleasure to run, and a beauty to see!



November 29th, Christmas CleanUp

Everyone has that one design that is used once a year for a great customer.  However, you battle the design in production.  It takes much too long on the machine, has way too many threadbreaks, and because it is only once a year, you don’t take time to edit it. We are taking some of your designs and showing you how easy it can be to tweak them to a point that you enjoy running them, instead of dreading it!.Take the time to watch and even ask questions…this 90 minutes may help you with your Christmas Rush and give you time with Family and Friends!

One of our twice-monthly Webinars that will give you answers to editing your existing designs.  You will learn how to turn a “Bad Design into a Good one”.
Join in and be part of it, or just plan to use the Video Recording of the Webinar to Learn and to Review.
Pay $75, or sign up for our Complete Learning Package at $150 and have the advantage of accessing this Webinar at no extra charge!  Access more than 140 seventy-five dollar videos for $150.  Yearly Update at $90 gives you access to 22 or more new videos each year!