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Webinar – October 25th, Working with Faces: Human and Animal

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We have looked at creating Eyes, Noses, Mouths...Now we are going to look at the face or head and see how to build the face. We will look at what is behind it all and shade the areas, or highlight them to have a natural area to place the eyes, noses and mouths to have them appear realistic and complete the face.


Webinar Oct 25, 2022 Working with Faces, Human and Animal


Learn to Capture the look of Glass in your Design!

We will look at how the glass container distorts its contents. Look at shading, highlights, the reflections from outside and inside the Glass and everything needed to make the design realistic


October 25th, Working with Faces Human and Animal

We have looked at creating Eyes, Noses, Mouths…Now we are going to look at the face or head and see how to build the face.
We will look at what is behind it all and shade the areas, or highlight them to have a natural area to place the eyes, noses and mouths to have them
appear realistic and complete the face.

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