A Step-by-step setup for your automatic Appliques, ans some exciting twists to glamorize and bring beauty to the process. We will take you from tracing the applique, sending it to your cutters if you have them or cutting in place, to placing your frame out spot for ease and safety, to then selecting your tack down stitch and cover stitch. This is where tings change, your tack down can be a simple run stitch and your cover a fill that is the outside shading which gives shape and depth to your design!
January 31st 9:30 AM Pacific Time: New Year New You: Mapping out our Year of Training.
We will review the Class Schedule to see if we have left anything out. Be sure to be there to give us your input. NEW! 2023 Class will have Homework that will give you valuable lessons on the techniques in Each class!
February 7th 9:30 AM Pacific Time: We will take a Design apart looking at the role the running stitch plays
and its construction.
HOMEWORK: Valuable lessons on the length of the stitch, trims, tie-offs pathing and the placement of your stitches
February 21st 9:30 AM Pacific Time: We will take the same design apart looking at the role the Satin or Column Stitch plays and its construction.
HOMEWORK: Valuable Lessons in the Length of the Stitch, the Density of the stitches, the forming of the Satin or Column Stitch, the role of the Underlay, as well as tie-offs and pathing, puckering and push-pull.
March 7th 9:30 AM Pacific Time: Taking the same Design, we will examine the role that the Fill or Tatami stitch plays in the design as well as its construction.
HOMEWORK: Valuable lessons on the length of the stitch in the Fill, the density of the Fill, and the texture and pattern formed by the needle penetrations, as well as pathing and underlays, and push-pull.
March 21st 9:30 AM Pacific Time: Today we will look at lettering, first setting up stock lettering, then custom lettering.
HOMEWORK: Valuable Lessons on Density, Length of Stitch, Underlay, pathing, trims and tie-offs, as well as forming Tatami Lettering
April 4th 9:30 AM Pacific Time: We will examine Small Lettering and unlock the Secret to clean crisp letters that do not get lost.
HOMEWORK: Learn valuable lessons on density, length of stitch, underlays, pathing through your letters both running stitch letters AND Satin Stitch letters, tie-offs and trims
April 18th 9:30 AM Pacific Time: Pathing, a major part of any Design that makes the difference in how the Design looks, as well as your time on the machine.
HOMEWORK: Valuable lessons on connecting each part of your design to the next, how to avoid extra trims and how to map out your Design.
May 2nd 9:30 AM Pacific Time: Color selection, the difference it can make.
HOMEWORK: Valuable lessons on choosing your Colors, what pops, what blends and softens, what will appear fresh and what won’t.
May 16th 9:30 AM Pacific Time: Travelling through your Design using Color:
HOMEWORK: Valuable lessons in placing your colors throughout the Design, pathing with color, use of texture and densities and the variation of stitch types as you lay down your colors.
May 30th 9:30 AM Pacific Time: Blending your colors
HOMEWORK: Valuable lessons on blending those Colors on your letters, and for Shading your designs.
June 13th 9:30 AM Pacific Time: Using your Blends of color to Shade your Design and give it realism and depth.
HOMEWORK: Valuable lessons on placing your colors throughout your Design, using densities to enhance the colors or to soften them.
June 27th 9:30 AM Pacific Time: Creating a Design from a stitch out. We’ve all had it happen. The only art for you to use is a stitchout of the design…AND the reason the customer has come to you is that the stitchout is not good! We will take the art, clean it up and make it better!
HOMEWORK: Valuable lessons in cleaning up your art, where to start, densities, stitch length, underlay, color, and push-pull.
July11th 9:30 AM Pacific Time: Using Auto Digitizing. What to trash, what to tweak. Learn to evaluate the auto-stitched design before running it. Learn to delete or trash what does not work, learn to add your own digitizing to save time and learn to add your addition to the path of the design.
HOMEWORK: Valuable lessons in density, length of stitches, push-pull, and pathing.
July 25th 9:30 AM Pacific Time: Stock Lettering. Learn how to get the most out of your stock letters, no matter what size. Then learn to use a stock Alphabet and Customize it for your customer’s needs.
HOMEWORK: Valuable lessons in density, length of stitches, editing, and creating a custom letter or Font.
August 8th 9:30 AM Pacific Time: Turning a Bad Design into a good one. This is your chance to send in a design that looks good on the screen, but runs badly. We will adjust densities, the length of stitches, address push-pull and pathing and turn the Bad Designs into a Dream.
HOMEWORK: Valuable lessons in densities, length of stitches, push-pull, puckering, and pathing. (revised, Changed to Faces, Part 1)
August 22nd 9:30 AM Pacific Time: Faces, Small and Large! We will start with the basic face, its shape, and the shapes within that shape. We will build those shapes with blended fills, and then with the use of the column stitch, and the natural shading it produces, build our smaller images.
HOMEWORK: Valuable lessons in shading with your fills and your Satin or Column Stitches.
September 12th 9:30 AM Pacific Time: Eyes…Small and Large. Even if the eye takes only two or three stitches, placement of those stitches will dictate the expression. Learn to place those stitches perfectly. Learn to make sure your other stitches do not move those stitches. Learn to build the eye with all the color in you face and hair for your larger realistic designs.
HOMEWORK: Valuable lessons in the placement of your stitches, tie-ins and tie-offs as well as trims. Also density, and color as well as pathing.
September 26th 9:30 AM Pacific Time: Mouths, Small and Large. We will build the mouth with color, subtle on the human face, and more vivid on the animals. Learn to build your shapes with your darks and light and feather them into the face. Using pathing make it natural.
HOMEWORK: Learn to work with the intensity of colors to build your shapes. Valuable lessons in densities and stitch length and pathing.
October 10th, 9:30 AM Pacific Time: Noses, Human and Animal. Here shading is the key. We will look at “Building” the nose using what we have learned about shading. Light comes forward, dark recedes. Then how it fits into the rest of the face.
HOMEWORK: Learn to work with the intensity of colors to build your shapes, see how this works in a nose, and in other objects. Valuable lessons densities and stitch length and pathing.
October 24th 9:30 AM Pacific Time: Working with non-native Designs. We will address the fixes needed for each of the stitch types, the Fill, the Column Stitch, and the Running stitch. Look at the angle of the fill, was it changed when the formats were changed?, Look at the Satin Stitch, should it be a Fill? Then the Running stitch. Was it changed to Manual? AND…were your Fills changed to Manual Stitches. We will change those manual stitches back to running stitches for control and scaling.
HOMEWORK: You will have a Non-Native design to work the new “Magic” you have learned! See what your limits are, and what may still need to be trashed to allow for complete controle.
November 7th 9:30 AM Pacific Time: Appliques! Not just a substitute for stitches! Learn to use the applique to add beauty to your Design! Learn to use this technique to add function and Effect. Learn to use “Trapunto”as a tool for texture. (appliqueing an embroidered piece to the background adding running stitches to define the design)
HOMEWORK: Valuable lessons in using automatic applique programs, use of fill rather than Satin Stitches to finish off your applique, use of auto-applique for Athletic Designs, and creating movement before stitching down the material.
November 21st and December 5th, each at 9:30 AM Pacific Time: Our Christmas Cleanup. We all have that Design that we run year after year for a valued customer. One that you say you will edit before using it this year. One that gets put off and you battle through too much density and multiple threadbreaks, making the design take way too long to run. We will take 4 designs that are sent in, one could be yours, and we will clean that up and get it ready for the Rush!
HOMEWORK: Take Your Design and do our step-by-step Clean-up, and Enjoy your Holiday.
Be ready to submit your Design, if it is chosen for demonstration, you will have Your work done for you. If not, you will see how to do it. This is what one customer had to say:
I’m sorry this is so late. I can’t thank you enough for the improvements made to this design. It sews like butter, and the artistic touches are amazing. It looks like actual rows of shingles on the roof and not just a flat fill. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Join us for the 2023 Webinars:
Do your Homework after each class and learn to enjoy Digitizing!
Webinar 2023…Appliques
A Step-by-step setup for your automatic Appliques, ans some exciting twists to glamorize and bring beauty to the process. We will take you from tracing the applique, sending it to your cutters if you have them or cutting in place, to placing your frame out spot for ease and safety, to then selecting your tack down stitch and cover stitch. This is where tings change, your tack down can be a simple run stitch and your cover a fill that is the outside shading which gives shape and depth to your design!
A New format for our Classes! Learn during our live tutorials, and then Learn even more with our Homework.
You will find the Homework , its’ Directions and Color order attached at the bottom of this video. Enjoy!
Now you can review the Lesson and practice what you Learned! We will take the lesson past the screen, give you exercises to do, and to stitch out. Your “Homework” will solidify what you learned in class, and will show you the techniques by stitching out the designs. See for yourself, improvise, add your own spin and come back to class to share!
One of our two Webinars each month that will give you answers to editing your existing designs.
Join in and be part of our live Webinars, or just plan to use the Video Recording of the Webinar to Learn and to Review.
Pay $100, for jthis Class, just one of 23 of our 2023 Classes or sign up for our Complete Learning Package for $199 https://learntodigitize.net/shop/complete-learning-package/ and have the advantage of accessing any 2023 Webinar Recording and/or Live Class and its Workbook, at no extra charge! AND have Access to more than 140 existing seventy-five dollar videos, and the recordings of another 22 Webinars on the 2023 Schedule all for $199. OR consider the new Subscription Program, just $12.50 per month with a one-time Set-up Fee, https://learntodigitize.net/shop/complete-learning-package-monthly-subscription/
We are expanding your learning compacity! Watch the Live presentations monthly! Complete your Exercises in your workbook, and come back to Class to share what you have done! Ambitious, Yes! But the results will tell the story!
Join us, no matter what software, or what level. We make Digitizing Easy!
We have started with the Running Stitch and the Role it plays in our designs. We will look at the conventional role and expand it to help us create beautiful, well-running designs that stand out, and bring our customers back for more. Next is this Class, the Column or Satin Stitch and the Role it plays in our Designs and then, the Fill or Tatami and its Role, and Now, Lettering, Stock, and Custom, and now Small Letters!.
Check out the quality of the designs you see at our Site. Let us show you, step-by-step how to achieve the same Excellence in your Designs!
If you are just beginning, you will see how easy it is to use your basic Running stitch, Column or Satin Stitch and Fill or Tatami, ( our three Stitches ), to do anything that your customer brings you. Master these three stitches and you will Master Digitizing!
Next, add your lettering and apply what you have learned about our 3 Basic stitches when you modify your lettering to work for your Design.
If you are an Experienced Digitizer. let us show you techniques that will polish off what you already know! Perfect your Designs with less stitches, learn to place your stitches perfectly, in order to prevent push-pull, thread breaks, and long hours on the machine, while giving your that “Perfect Design”
November 14, Appliques
A Step-by-step setup for your automatic Appliques, ans some exciting twists to glamorize and bring beauty to the process. We will take you from tracing the applique, sending it to your cutters if you have them or cutting in place, to placing your frame out spot for ease and safety, to then selecting your tack down stitch and cover stitch. This is where tings change, your tack down can be a simple run stitch and your cover a fill that is the outside shading which gives shape and depth to your design!
A New format for our Classes! Learn during our live tutorials, and then Learn even more with our Homework.
You will find the Homework its Directions, and Color order attached at the bottom of this video. Enjoy!
Now you can review the Lesson and practice what you Learned! We will take the lesson past the screen, give you exercises to do, and to stitch out. Your “Homework” will solidify what you learned in class, and will show you the techniques by stitching out the designs. See for yourself, improvise, add your own spin and come back to class to share!
One of our two Webinars each month that will give you answers to editing your existing designs.
Join in and be part of our live Webinars, or just plan to use the Video Recording of the Webinar to Learn and to Review.
Pay $100, for this Class, just one of 23 of our 2023 Classes, or sign up for our Complete Learning Package for $199 https://learntodigitize.net/shop/complete-learning-package/ and have the advantage of accessing any 2023 Webinar Recording and/or Live Class and its Workbook, at no extra charge! AND have Access to more than 140 existing seventy-five dollar videos, and the recordings of another 22 Webinars on the 2023 Schedule all for $199. OR consider the new Subscription Program, just $12.50 per month with a one-time Set-up Fee, https://learntodigitize.net/shop/complete-learning-package-monthly-subscription/
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