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ALL About Shading and Blending
90 Minutes of instruction
Learn how to mix your colors, then where to place those colors. Make your designs more realistic with Shading, make your designs three dimensional with blended colors placed to bring out the design, save stitches, save time, improve your product!
Learn from the people who introduced Blending and Shading to Our Industry...
Lee and Keith were inducted into the Embroidery Hall of Fame for their Innovation and Excellence in Digitizing and for their willingness to Share. You will learn from the Master who showed that Blending and Shading could be done, and done effectively on our Commercial machines.
90 minutes of transforming the art in front of you to stitches. At the end of this class you will feel differently about working with your blends to bring out your design and make it realistic!
Just $75, Or purchase our
Complete Learning Package and have access to this Webinar Recording at no extra Charge
Part of our Complete Learning Package...Just $75
Join us June 12th at 9:30 AM
The Best in Training at a Great Price
Sign up now and attend on June 12th. If your schedule does not permit you to attend, you will still have Access the recording of the event.
Or Pay $150 in front for the Complete Learning Package and have access to our monthly Q and A Sessions, our monthly Webinars, our new Snippets, and 20% off on 3Day Classes and any One to One personal Classes Access to all of our other Videos!
Learn to create
Our Prettiest Stitch, the Satin Stitch
90 Minutes of instruction, May 8th, 9:30 AM
Even see a logo with beautiful satin stitches and wonder how they did it? We will show you how.
Learn how to make narrow columns that hold up, and wide columns that will wear well. Learn to make your Embroidery Glisten with color. Learn how to make beautifully rounded letters, or flat wide letters. Learn how to add texture to the column and then how to minimize that texture. Learn to anticipate the push pull. Learn how to create outlines that will never pull apart, and learn how effective you can be with these simple techniques.
Part of our Complete Learning Package...Just $75
Join us May 8th at 9:30 AM
The Best in Training at a Great Price
Sign up now and attend on May 8th. If your schedule does not permit you to attend, you will still have Access the recording of the event.
Sign up for our Complete Learning Package, and for $15 per month, have access to our monthly Q and A Sessions, our monthly Webinars, our new Snippets, and 20% off on 3Day Classes and any One to One personal Classes. Pay $150 in front for the Complete Learning Package and get even more!
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